“When I entered college I was interested in law. However, I found myself drawn more towards the investigative and forensic segment. My law courses and five part time jobs taught me that perseverance and hard work was the key to building a successful business.
With limited resources, a credit card, and one client, my passion became a reality and I started Selective Subpoena in 1986. And, 24 years later Selective Subpoena and Investigative Service, Inc. is the largest service of its kind in South Jersey. This reputation has enabled us to grow an average of 25% a year. I continue to be hands-on and operate it daily.
Why are we the largest? It’s simple. Our service is our reputation. We treat each client like it’s our first assignment. Our first client in 1986 still utilizes us today. We pamper our witnesses and give them the respect they deserve.
Our client base has expanded from NJ across the Tri-state area. However, we also complete Service of Process, Deliveries and Investigation Services WORLDWIDE within 72 hours! My staff and I are available 24/7/365.
Contact me to discuss your next project. You won’t be disappointed. ”
Luke T. Farnoly, PI
Licensed & Bonded Private Detective & Armed Security Personnel